Saturday 15 May 2010

I feel like sweeping tonight (part 3)

Once the stock unit has been fixed to the brush head, I secured the handle in the stock unit using a screw. By using screws instead of glue and nails, all the components are secured semi-permantly, allowing the brush to be dismantled.

To complete the brush, the seven 'bristles' that had been sourced from used plastic bottles were screwed into the seven bottle caps in the brush head.

View from the rear of the brush head - four bristles at the back instead of three have a greater surface area when sweeping towards you. The angle of the handle makes sweeping towards you much easier and more comfortable than sweeping away from you. Also the bristles sweep much more material when swept in this manner.

Full length view of the brush - there is an adequate handle length to accomodate both the shorter and taller user comfortably.

The brush is very effective, collecting the offensive material quickly. It is also relatively light and manouverable for having the material constraints that industrially designed and manufactured brushes do not have.

A close-up image shows that even after sweeping on rough pavestones, there is very litte damage to the plastic bottle bristles. The heating process has strengthed the material though it is still able to bend slightly to prevent snapping.

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