Saturday 15 May 2010

I feel like sweeping tonight (part 2)

The previous post showed the manufacture of the brush head, this one will document the completion of the brush by the manufacture of the handle and the stock component.

After working out the optimum angle of the handle during brushing, I measured and cut the stock unit from a scrap block of wood. The stock component would house the handle and be fixed to the brush head, it therefore needed to be the right shape to ensure a comfortable brushing action.

I bored the hole that would house the handle at the angle measured previously. I would need to do this again for the screw holes that would secure the handle in place. I had never drilled a hole at an angle like this and it shows that you're always learning when you're in the workshop!

There was no drill bit that would bore a hole that would fit the handle perfectly, so I chose to use one slightly smaller and sand the required amount off the handle. I sanded a little, then checked the size, repeating the process until the handle had a very secure fit.

To secure the handle in place but allow it to be changed if it was damaged, or to allow me to dismantle it for storage, I drilled a small pilot hole for a screw into the stock unit and the handle.

I also drilled a hole for a screw that would fix the stock unit to the brush head.

The screw will hold the stock component in place, which will then house the handle.

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