Monday, 30 March 2009

Networking products

I had an odd realisation after talking to one of my lecturers, and something that I must quote her on: "the thing that 'networked' most of you guys in the studio was the crossbow".

A while back I bought a small crossbow that fired foam darts and brought it to the studio at uni. Within a few days, there were drinks cans hanging from the light fittings cord, drawings of animals to be 'hunted' on the walls and other various targets to be shot from varying distances. Everyone from lecturers, to the camera man from a newspaper (who had came to take photos of the group and the winner(s) of a recent competition with dundee uni and a live client) had a shot of the crossbow.

But all good things come to an end and during my feedback session for my hand-in, I was asked (told) to take the crossbow home that day. Residing back in edinburgh until it is reassembled and taken to the studio of my masters course, the crossbow really did 'network' the group.

...Though only for a brief period as the balance of work/play had to be restored. Could design ensure this balance? Would the crossbow have been allowed to stay if it worked for 5 -10 minutes every hour? A mechanism that would work for the same length of time it would take to boil the kettle and fix yourself a brew?

And how about a football that deflated before and after lunch, ensuring that up until and after your 1 hour kick-about, you and your colleagues would have a productive days work.

- "To all managers": if you feel that your team needs a break, or that your office water cooler can only keep staff energized for so long, try buying several crossbows (pictured below) to give your colleagues the boost they need. (under a tenner from most online toy/games websites).

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